Wednesday, March 28, 2007

her first haircut?????

So it was right about nap time for zoey, and i take her upstairs to lay down, i tell julianna that i will be downstairs in a minute. at first i hear her crying at the bottom of the stairs but then she quiets down. i didn't think anything of it... i was hoping to come downstairs to find her asleep. instead i come downstairs to see her sitting on the couch with adult scisors in her hand, this hair on the couch next to her and another strand of hair in her other hand ready to get chopped. i tried not to freak, just grateful that it was not worse. not sure where this strands are from i have a feeling by her hair now that it ios right from the front. so she has somewhat of bangs, but not good bangs. i now have to put a barrette at all times.

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