Friday, December 22, 2006

Zoey 9 months

Zoey is now crawling all over the house and standing herself up on everything. She'd rather be on the floor than anywhere else. She went for her 9 month physical two weeks ago. She is now weighing 24lbs and 29in long. Luckily the doctor that saw her is not concerned about her weight. funny story about the pic on the right..... like i said she is all over the place. so i am on the phone with jess and all of a sudden i see zoey by the fridge. so instead of rushing to pick her up, i tell jess that zoey is licking the fridge cause she catches her reflection (even she finds herself so cute she wants to kiss herself). so jess says take a picture... and sadly i do. had this been my firstborn i would have picked her up as soon as i saw her around the kitchen and washed her mouth, so she'd be germ free. I'm thinking of just wrapping some towels around zoey's knees and letting her clean the floor for me. it's tough being the second child. i'm kidding, i'm not really going to wrap towels around her.

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